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The Joy of Playful Work


When I first started working, I wanted people to take me seriously.

I approached every piece of work I did with a high degree of preciousness...spending hours and hours sanding and polishing so that everyone could see how good I was at what I did.

Eventually, after years of this approach to work, I discovered something: I was bored.

I was frustrated because oftentimes, even with extra devotion to making a piece of work the best it could be, someone would give me feedback that it needed to change.

My peers were frustrated because I held myself so seriously that I couldn't be with them in the work in a way that gave us all energy.

This was a revelation that led to a new question: what would work look like if I approached the work with curiosity and looked for the joy of discovery and the energy of collaboration?

This is the world of serious play.

What Is Serious Play?

Serious play is a mindset where you approach work as play, recognizing that the purpose of the work is serious but how you approach the purpose can be play.

In serious play, you have the opportunity to bring your own unique skills, talents and sense of wonder to the work and help create something amazing. Something worthwhile. Something you can be proud of.

But what does it mean to do serious play?

At its core, serious play is about bringing curiosity and wonder into your work. It's about finding joy in the process of creating something new and exciting.

It's about experimenting with different ideas and approaches to see what works and what doesn't. It's about being open to new ideas and being willing to take risks. It's about pushing yourself to do better and to think outside the box.

In the day to day, this could look like designing a new feature or improving an existing one.

It could be about discovering what small product change could have a delightfully big impact on the user.

It could be creating a customer service process from scratch or developing a new product altogether.

Whatever it is, it's about having fun while you work and taking pride in what you create.

At the same time, playful work also requires discipline and focus.

You need to be able to stay on task and deliver results in a timely manner. You need to be able to take feedback and adjust your approach as needed.

You need to be able to work independently and as part of a team. Most of all, you need to be able to stay motivated and driven even when the going gets tough.

It's also important to recognize that serious play is not about just having fun, it's about integrating a mindset of play into the work you are already doing.

How To Embrace Serious Play

If serious play sounds like something you'd like to explore, here are some ways you can shift into showing up with serious play in your work:

Stay Curious

The ability to stay curious is one of the most important skills of serious play. Staying curious means recognizing when you may be making a judgment and instead choosing to explore further. It's about maintaining an open mind and a willingness to learn.

  • Ask questions: Don't be afraid to ask "why" or "what if." These questions can lead to new insights and innovative solutions.
  • Embrace the unknown: View challenges as opportunities to learn rather than obstacles to overcome.
  • Seek diverse perspectives: Engage with colleagues from different backgrounds and disciplines to broaden your understanding.

Stay Irreverent

Don't take your work too seriously or hold it too preciously. If you can use the desired outcome to guide you, you can stay curious in the process of discovering what to try next.

  • Challenge assumptions: Question the status quo and be willing to challenge established norms when appropriate.
  • Embrace failure: See failures as learning opportunities rather than setbacks. This mindset allows for more creativity and risk-taking.
  • Use humor: Incorporate appropriate humor into your work. It can help relieve tension and foster a more relaxed, creative environment.

Share Frequently

The more you share with your peers, the more resilient (and often better) your idea becomes. Frequent sharing also fosters collaboration and helps build a culture of openness and innovation.

  • Share what you're learning: Don't wait until you have a polished product. Share your progress, insights, and even your struggles along the way.
  • Seek feedback early and often: Regular feedback can help refine ideas and catch potential issues early in the process.
  • Collaborate openly: Encourage a culture where ideas are freely shared and built upon by the team.

Propose Alternative Solutions

Rather than choosing to be limited by choices someone else has presented, look for ways that their needs can be met while also flexing your mental muscle of creativity.

  • Think beyond binary choices: When presented with an either/or scenario, challenge yourself to come up with a third (or fourth) option.
  • Combine ideas: Look for ways to merge different concepts or approaches to create innovative solutions.
  • Encourage brainstorming: Create an environment where all ideas are welcome, no matter how unconventional they may seem at first.

Playful work in a SaaS startup is a great way to express your creativity and make a real impact.

It's a chance to have fun while you work and to be part of something bigger than yourself.

By embracing serious play, you can foster innovation, improve collaboration, and find more enjoyment in your daily work.

Remember, serious play is about finding the balance between creativity and productivity, between fun and focus.

It's about approaching your work with enthusiasm, curiosity, and a willingness to experiment.

By incorporating these principles into your work life, you can transform your approach to tasks, problem-solving, and collaboration, leading to more fulfilling and effective work experiences.

So if you're looking for a way to make a difference and have some fun while you're at it, then embracing serious play in your work might be the perfect approach for you.

Start small, stay curious, and watch as your work transforms into a more engaging and rewarding experience.

Chase Adams