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What I Write and Talk About: Intersections of Innovation


I wrote in The Future Fluent Newsletter about how I have revised the Future Fluent Framework based on what I've noticed from conversations about what was missing.

This revision zooms out to categories, rather than concrete topics and replaced my original framework.

The Future Fluent Categories

This Venn diagram is made up of 2 types of circles:

  • Being
  • Doing

The venn diagram is made up of 5 categories:

  • Self-Mastery (being): The foundational development of personal qualities, skills, mindsets and the human experience that enable adaptability and growth in an ever-changing future landscape.
  • Application Tools: A diverse set of resources, methods, and technologies that enhance human capabilities, ranging from practical software applications to cognitive frameworks and collaborative processes, empowering individuals to magnify their impact and effectiveness in navigating future challenges.
  • Execution Systems: Frameworks, methodologies, and processes that give life to ideas and strategies in dynamic contexts.
  • Strategic Leadership: Guiding vision, inspiring innovation, and empowering others to navigate and shape the future effectively.
  • Connection (being): The vital connect with others, with your environment, with your experience. It also includes the ability to notice connections between ideas and connections between components across diverse domains. Connections foster collaboration, synergy, and holistic understanding in approaching the human experience and the future.

Reflections on the Future Fluent Framework

As I've been working with and refining this framework, I've had some realizations that I'm excited to share with you:

Embracing the Human Element

One of the things I love most about this evolved framework is how it makes room for the human connection and the self. By placing Self-Mastery and Connection at the core, we acknowledge that at the heart of all our technological advancements and strategic thinking, we're fundamentally dealing with human experiences and relationships.

This human-centric approach reminds us that as we navigate the future, we're not just optimizing processes or leveraging tools – we're growing as individuals and strengthening our connections with others. It's a powerful reminder that the future is not something that happens to us, but something we actively shape through our personal growth and our interactions with others.

Expanding Our Toolkit

Another exciting aspect of this framework is how it broadens our understanding of Amplification Tools. While software and AI are certainly powerful components, they're no longer the whole story. Our toolkit now includes a wide array of resources – from innovative thinking frameworks to liberating structures and collaborative processes.

This expanded view of tools allows us to be more creative and holistic in our approach to problem-solving and innovation. It recognizes that sometimes, the most powerful tool might be a new way of facilitating a meeting, a novel approach to decision-making, or a unique method for fostering creativity.

What's particularly interesting is how these tools can overlap and integrate with other areas of the framework. A liberating structure, for instance, might be an Amplification Tool that enhances our Execution Systems while also fostering Connection. This interplay between categories opens up exciting possibilities for synergy and innovation.

Reframing Productivity

In earlier versions of this framework, Productivity had a more prominent role as a standalone category. But as I've refined my thinking, I've come to see productivity not as a separate entity, but as an emergent property that arises from the interplay of other elements.

Productivity now sits at the intersection of Strategic Leadership, Execution Systems, Self-Mastery, and Amplification Tools. This repositioning reflects a more nuanced understanding of what it means to be truly productive in the modern world.

It's not just about doing more in less time. True productivity emerges when we have:

  • A clear vision and strategic direction (Strategic Leadership)
  • Effective systems for turning ideas into reality (Execution Systems)
  • The personal capacity to manage our energy and focus (Self-Mastery)
  • And the right tools and methods to amplify our efforts (Amplification Tools)

This holistic view of productivity acknowledges that being Future Fluent isn't about constantly churning out more work. Instead, it's about thoughtfully combining various elements to create meaningful impact and sustainable success.

In Conclusion

These reflections highlight why I'm so excited about this evolved Future Fluent Framework. It's not just a set of categories – it's a dynamic system that recognizes the complexity of navigating our rapidly changing world. By emphasizing the human element, expanding our notion of tools, and reframing productivity, we create a more robust and flexible approach to thriving in the future.

As we continue to explore these ideas together, I'm eager to see how this framework will evolve and how it can help us all become more Future Fluent. What resonates most with you in this approach? How do you see these ideas playing out in your own work and life? I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences as we continue this journey together.

Chase Adams