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Hey, I'm Chase. I empower visionaries like you to pull the future into the present.

My goal is to help you lead with the kind of insight that makes people wonder if you've got a crystal ball.

I want to help you build an organization that doesn't just survive the next digital wave, it thrives in it.

You're not another face in the crowd. You're a visionary.

  • You see the potential where others see roadblocks.
  • You're not interested in the status quo.
  • You're interested in creating the future.

But there's a BIG problem

You're incredibly busy.

You can't afford to spend hours diving into every shiny new tool or paradigm that pops up. You need insights you can act on, like, yesterday.

Does this all sound familiar?

You might be:

  • A small business maverick or startup wizard looking to harness those cutting-edge tools
  • A productivity enthusiast, hungry to squeeze every drop of potential out of AI and automation
  • A professional who's realized that standing still is the new moving backward in today's work landscape
  • A lifelong learner fascinated by when technology and human potential collide

You're not here for theory – you want the real deal.

It's not just about your own growth. You want to lead your team into a future that's not just more efficient, but downright revolutionary.

If you're nodding along, congratulations – you're in the right place.

So, buckle up. We're about to turn chaos into order, inefficiency into freedom, and challenges into opportunities that'll make your head spin (in a good way).

Your Toolkit for Tomorrow

Want to predict the future? Forget crystal balls.

The best way to predict the future is to roll up your sleeves and create it.

This isn't just a reading list—it's your personal launchpad to becoming the leader everyone wishes they could be.

These articles are your stepping stones to mastering AI, revolutionizing your workflow, and becoming the kind of leader people write books about.

Here's your game plan: Pick one. Devour it. Apply it. Then come back for seconds.

Future Fluency

Leadership and Productivity

  1. A Systematic Approach to Managing Oneself Master yourself first. The rest will fall into place.
  2. On Team Productivity, Tools & Flexible Data
    Your team is only as strong as its weakest link. Time to upgrade the whole chain.
  3. Tips For Being Successful at Working From Home Long-Term
    Home is where the heart is. Now it's where the work is, too. Let's make it count.

AI: Your New Secret Weapon

  1. How An AI Collaborator Can Amplify Your Abilities Think AI is just another tool? Think again. It's about to become your new MVP.
  2. AGI vs. AI: Unraveling the Secrets of Artificial Minds Navigate the AI landscape like a pro. No computer science degree required.
  3. How I'm Using MidJourney and ChatGPT Real-world AI applications, minus the hype. This is how the sausage gets made.

Technical Skills for Non-Technical Leaders

  1. Navigating JSON Schema: An Easy and Friendly Exploration Speak data like a native. It's easier than you think.
  2. The Power and Simplicity of Webhooks Connect your digital world, one webhook at a time. It's like Lego for grown-ups.

Work 2.0: Rewriting the Rules

  1. Remote is Dead, Long Live Distributed
    The future of work isn't a place. It's a mindset. Time to expand yours.
  2. A Pragmatic Approach To Choosing A Format For Reading Read smarter, not harder. Your brain will thank you.

Each article is a small win. Stack enough small wins, and suddenly you're not just reading about the future – you're building it.

So, what are you waiting for? Dive in. Your future self is already thanking you.

About Me: Your Chaos-to-Clarity Captain

Hi, I'm Chase, and I'm Liberatingly Controlling.

Sounds like I'm trying to have my cake and eat it too, right?

But there's a subtle nuance to my approach: I've discovered that the path to freedom often starts with a bit of thoughtful control.

It's like building a launchpad for your rocket ship.

My Superpower: Turning Chaos into Opportunity

Since I was in my teens, I've had a knack for seeing order in chaos.

Where others see a mess, I see a puzzle waiting to be solved. It's not just about tidying up – it's about reimagining what's possible.

My journey's been a wild ride. From helping keep a family-owned building materials business afloat during the 2008 housing crash (talk about baptism by fire), to becoming a self-taught tech innovator, to now empowering visionaries like you to pull the future into the present. It's been one heck of a learning curve, and I'm still climbing.

Wide to Narrow, Brain Dump to Breakthrough

When I tackle a problem, I start wide.

Sticky notes fly like confetti, ideas bounce around like pinballs, and possibilities expand faster than the universe.

Then, with the precision of a sculptor (or maybe a guy with a really big eraser), I chip away until we're left with clear, actionable solutions.

It's a blend of creativity and control that turns complexity into clarity.

Why "Liberatingly Controlling"?

Because I've learned that the right kinds of constraints can set you free.

It's like giving yourself a map and a compass before you set out to explore uncharted territory.

By creating systems and structures, we can:

  1. Break free from the tyranny of inefficiency (because life's too short for busywork)
  2. Create margin for innovation and growth (where the magic happens)
  3. Amplify our efforts for maximum impact (work smarter, not harder, right?)

What's In It for You? The Rocket Fuel for Your Success

When you dive into my content, you're not just reading—you're embarking on a journey of transformation. Here's what you can expect:

What's In It for You? The Rocket Fuel for Your Success

Buckle up, here's the good stuff you're about to unlock:

  • Crystal-Clear Insights: Complex ideas, now in bite-sized "aha!" moments that'll make your grandma want to start a tech company.
  • Future-Proof Strategies: Stay so far ahead of the curve, people will think you've got a time machine in your pocket.
  • Practical Toolkits: Pure, distilled awesomeness you can use right now – say goodbye to your to-do list and hello to world domination.
  • Personal Growth Accelerator: We're strapping a rocket to your growth trajectory – Human 2.0, here you come!
  • Community of Visionaries: Welcome to the cool kids' table of the future, where we're painting tomorrow's landscape today.
  • AI Mastery Made Simple: From AI newbie to fluent faster than you can say "Skynet" – no computer science degree required.
  • Leadership Upgrade: Transform from manager to visionary so fast, your team will think you've been bitten by a radioactive CEO.
  • Productivity Reinvented: Flip the script on "work harder" and get more done with less stress – no cloning required.
  • Tech-Savvy Confidence: Navigate the digital world with such swagger, they'll mistake you for Silicon Valley royalty.
  • Continuous Learning Edge: Stay one step ahead in a world changing faster than a chameleon on a disco floor.

By engaging with this content, you're not just preparing for the future—you're actively shaping it.

Ready to unlock your full potential and become the leader everyone wishes they could be?

Don't Just Read About the Future - Let's Build It Together

You've taken the first step on your journey to mastering the future of work and technology. But why stop here? Let's keep this party going.

1. Join the Inner Circle: Sign Up for My Newsletter

Want the latest insights, tips, and strategies delivered straight to your inbox? My newsletter is where I spill the beans on my most valuable thoughts and discoveries – often before they make it to the blog.

What you'll get:

  • Cutting-edge AI and tech trends, explained so simply your grandma could understand (and maybe start her own tech company)
  • Productivity hacks for the digital age (because who couldn't use an extra hour in their day?)
  • Exclusive content and early access to new resources (be the first kid on your block to know what's next)
  • A direct line to me and a community of like-minded visionaries (we're all in this together)

[Sign Up for the Newsletter] (Insert your sign-up form or link here)

2. Let's Connect on Social

For daily doses of inspiration, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and real-time updates:

Remember, the future belongs to those who shape it. By staying connected, you're not just keeping up – you're positioning yourself to lead the charge.

Ready to dive deeper? Pick an article from the Key Resources section and start exploring. Your future self is already doing a happy dance.

Chase Adams